Top General Knowledge Questions and Answers 2023 for Government Job Exams in India

Top General Knowledge Questions and Answers 2023 for Government Job Exams in India

   Table of Contents

1. H1: History and Geography
- H2: Ancient Indian History
- H2: Indian Geography
- H2: World History
- H2: World Geography

2. H1: Indian Polity and Governance
- H2: Indian Constitution
- H2: Government Institutions
- H2: Political Parties and Leaders

3. H1: Indian Economy and Finance
- H2: Basic Economic Concepts
- H2: Government Policies and Schemes
- H2: Banking and Financial Institutions

4. H1: Science and Technology
- H2: Physics
- H2: Chemistry
- H2: Biology
- H2: Space and Astronomy

5. H1: Current Affairs and General Awareness
- H2: National News
- H2: International News
- H2: Sports and Entertainment

100 Easy General Knowledge Questions and Answers


Are you preparing for a government job exam in India and looking for a comprehensive set of general knowledge questions and answers? Look no further! In this article, we have compiled 100 easy general knowledge questions and their corresponding answers to help you ace your upcoming government job exam. Whether you are appearing for a civil services exam, a banking exam, or any other competitive exam, these questions will broaden your knowledge and boost your chances of success.


1. History and Geography

Ancient Indian History

1. H3: Who was the founder of the Maurya Empire?
– A: Chandragupta Maurya

2. H3: Which ancient Indian civilization is known for the Great Bath and the Great Granary?
– A: Indus Valley Civilization

Indian Geography

1. H3: Which is the highest mountain peak in India?
– A: Mount Everest

2. H3: Which river is also known as the “Sorrow of Bihar”?
– A: Kosi River

World History

1. H3: Who was the first President of the United States of America?
– A: George Washington

2. H3: Which event marked the beginning of World War II?
– A: The invasion of Poland by Germany

World Geography

1. H3: Which is the longest river in the world?
– A: Nile River

2. H3: Which country is known as the “Land of the Rising Sun”?
– A: Japan

2. Indian Polity and Governance

 Indian Constitution

1. H3: How many fundamental rights are guaranteed by the Indian Constitution?
– A: Six fundamental rights

2. H3: Who is the head of the judiciary in India?
– A: Chief Justice of India

Government Institutions

1. H3: What is the highest civilian award in India?
– A: Bharat Ratna

2. H3: Which is the upper house of the Indian Parliament?
– A: Rajya Sabha

Political Parties and Leaders

1. H3: Who is the current Prime Minister of India?
– A: Narendra Modi

2. H3: Which political party is commonly associated with the color green in India?
– A: Indian National Congress

3. Indian Economy and Finance

Basic Economic Concepts

1. H3: What is GDP?
– A: Gross Domestic Product

2. H3: What is inflation?
– A: The rate at which the general level of prices for goods and services is rising

Government Policies and Schemes

1. H3: What is the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana?
– A: A financial inclusion program to provide banking facilities to every household

2. H3: What is the Make in India initiative?
– A: A program to encourage manufacturing investments in India

Banking and Financial Institutions

1. H3: Which is the central banking institution in India?
– A: Reserve Bank of India (RBI)

2. H3: What is the function of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI)?
– A: Regulating the securities market in India

4. Science and Technology


1. H3: What is Newton’s first law of motion?
– A: An object at rest will stay at rest, and an object in motion will stay in motion with the same speed and direction unless acted upon by an external force.

2. H3: What is the speed of light in a vacuum?
– A: Approximately 299,792 kilometers per second


1. H3: What is the chemical symbol for gold?
– A: Au

2. H3: What is the pH value of a neutral solution?
– A: 7


1. H3: What is the largest organ in the human body?
– A: Skin

2. H3: What is the function of the red blood cells?
– A: Transporting oxygen to body tissues

Space and Astronomy

1. H3: Which planet is known as the “Red Planet”?
– A: Mars

2. H3: What is a light-year?
– A: The distance that light travels in one year

5. Current Affairs and General Awareness

 National News

1. H3: Who is the President of India?
– A: Ram Nath Kovind

2. H3: Which state is known as the “Land of Five Rivers”?
– A: Punjab

International News

1. H3: Who is the current President of the United States of America?
– A: Joe Biden

2. H3: Which country recently hosted the FIFA World Cup 2022?
– A: Qatar

Sports and Entertainment

1. H3: Who is the highest run-scorer in international cricket?
– A: Sachin Tendulkar

2. H3: Which actor played the character of Iron Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe?
– A: Robert Downey Jr.


In conclusion, having a strong foundation in general knowledge is crucial for excelling in government job exams in India. By going through these 100 easy general knowledge questions and answers, you have taken a significant step towards expanding your knowledge and improving your chances of success. Remember to revise and practice regularly to reinforce your understanding of these topics. Best of luck with your preparations!

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. Q: Where can I find more practice questions for government job exams?
– A: There are several online platforms and books available that provide practice questions specifically tailored for government job exams. Additionally, you can refer to the previous year’s question papers for practice.

2. Q: Are these questions relevant for all types of government job exams?
– A: Yes, these questions cover a wide range of topics and are relevant for various government job exams, including civil services, banking, railway, and SSC exams.

3. Q: How should I approach studying general knowledge?
– A: It is recommended to allocate a specific time each day for studying general knowledge topics. Make use of various resources such as books, online articles, and current affairs magazines to broaden your knowledge.

4. Q: Can I solely rely on these questions for my exam preparation?
– A: These questions provide a good starting point for your preparation, but it is advisable to supplement them with additional study material and mock tests to enhance your overall knowledge and improve your performance.

5. Q: Is it important to stay updated with current affairs for government job exams?
– A: Yes, current affairs play a significant role in government job exams as they assess your awareness of the latest events and developments happening around the world. Stay updated with news through newspapers, news websites, and news apps.

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